Outlive Your Excuses: A Gym Membership is your Ticket to Longevity


Stamina Over Stagnation: The Undeniable Power of Regular Exercise

Are you familiar with the phrase, "You're not getting any younger"? Of course, you are. It's a friendly jab we're all too familiar with as the years roll by, often served with a side of grim reality and an unsolicited dollop of wit. Well, dear reader, today we're spinning that cliché on its head and telling you, yes, YOU, that you can indeed 'outlive' your age and maybe even outrun your excuses!

Enter Peter Attia, M.D.’s book, "Outlive - The Science and Art of Longevity", which isn't just a bunch of paper and ink but a crystal ball that gives you a terrifying glimpse into the future of your health if you keep warming your couch. This guide warns us about the Four Horsemen of modern disease: heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer. Attia sends a chilling postulate that about 80% of us will spend the last ten years of our lives wrestling one of these beasts. A gloomy forecast, indeed. But, before you brush it off as a doomsday prophecy, consider this: you have the power to rewrite this narrative. How, you ask? Well, it starts with lacing up those dusty sneakers in the corner and stepping away from your precious TV remote.

Yes, you're right; we're talking about that cobweb-ridden gym membership card hiding somewhere in your junk drawer. The gym, often misunderstood as a place of suffering, is more accurately a fountain of youth, a sanctuary where we can, quite literally, outrun (or outlift) our grim future health predicaments. But why should you pick up the dumbbell instead of, let's say, another pint of ice cream and another season of your favorite Netflix show? Simply put, every rep or step in the gym is a step away from the Four Horsemen, and a step towards giving your future self a fighting chance.

Now, let's face it, embarking on a fitness journey can feel like being dropped in the middle of the ocean, with an anchor tied to your ankle and a crowd of smug seals waiting for you to fail. This is where our humble abode, Blended Athletics, tucked away in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, enters the picture. At Blended, we transform the Herculean task of getting fit into an enjoyable quest, one where every step you take is a victorious middle finger to the culture of complacency.

Our sanctuary is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery like the InBody Scanner, which acts like a personalized, brutally honest medical team at your disposal. It won't provide you with McDreamy's charm, but it'll give you an in-depth analysis of your body composition. The InBody Scanner is your brutally candid friend, the one who isn’t afraid to tell you that those jeans do indeed make your butt look big. More than that, it gives you a clear, no-nonsense understanding of where you stand and what you need to do to prevent your health from going to hell in a hand basket.

But don’t get it twisted; Blended isn't about chiseling you into a rock-hard, magazine-cover-worthy Adonis (unless that's your thing!). It's about making you healthier, stronger, and more capable of kicking life's butt. Each workout is a deposit into your health savings account, with compound interest showing up as an extended, higher quality life.

The culture of quitting is insidious, but we’re here to help you crush it. Surrounded by a band of brothers and sisters, each "I can't" morphs into an "I can," each "Maybe tomorrow" evolves into an "I'll start today." This sense of unity is what keeps you coming back, acting as an antidote to the siren call of the couch, the TV, and that tub of ice cream whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

If you're ready to be the protagonist in your own life-changing story, then it's time to face your villains (looking at you, sedentary lifestyle!), and join into a network of people that has your back. The reward - a healthier, longer, richer life - is worth the sweat, tears, and yes, even the occasional curse words. Because as Attia's book emphasizes, it's not just about adding years to your life, but life to your years. And what better way to do that than by lacing up those sneakers and showing your excuses to the door?

Your health, dear reader, is your most precious asset, more valuable than any six-figure salary or luxury car. It's high time you treated it as such. Remember, the only bad workout is the one that didn't happen. So, get off your butt, lace up those sneakers, and take control of your future. 

Ready to dive in? Click here to sign up for a one-week free trial. We can't wait to welcome you to the Blended family. As for your age? Well, you'll be too busy outliving your excuses to bother counting the years!

Kimberley Kidd