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Ready to try Blended Athletics right away? Book a tour directly with our team and get started right away or fill out the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you within 24hrs.
How many times have you set out (with the best intentions) to accomplish your health and fitness goals?
2 times?
5 times?
Well fear not, for I am about to help you with what I have noted to be one of the biggest downfalls of most well intentioned fitness seekers… Chasing Perfection.
The most common questions I get as a fitness professional are things like….
What foods should I eat to lose weight?
What exercises reduce fat from “insert trouble area here”?
How many calories/macros should I be eating?
The list goes on, but if you look at these questions they all have one thing in common…do you know what it is?
That’s right, they are seeking “the right” answer.
In fairness to all individuals, we are indoctrinated in schools to look for and provide the correct answer to problems, we are very rarely encouraged to think critically and look for the messy gray areas where there is some truth but no absolutes.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but fitness and nutrition are both full of messy gray areas. There are many ways to achieve the desired result and none of them are more right than any other.
When seeking answers in fitness and nutrition, we need to stop looking for the perfect solution and start taking the simplest actions that lead to changes. It can be a lot more powerful to focus on habits instead of setting lofty long-term goals because habits are something you have control over today. So instead of focusing on that finish line you may or may not get to, focus instead on the habits that you can create that will get you closer to that goal.
Instead of taking the elevator at work, start using the stairs…
Instead of no workouts per week, try 1-2 to start…
Instead of always eating out, start by preparing one meal at home each week…
Focus on consistency over perfection. People always underestimate the power of the simple habits done consistently and overestimate the efficacy of the big changes that don’t stick easily.
Just like the fable of David and Goliath, a small stone can have a massive impact, so use the small stones to slay your dragon (ie perfection) and begin making progress that gains traction and like a snowball rolling down a hill, just keeps building and building until you are an unstoppable force of health and wellness.
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