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Chasing Your Strongest Self
So you’re looking to maximize your strength gains? Great, while there are various methods to choose from, wave loading stands out as a potent strategy for lifting heavier weights and it has a slight edge over many other methods (especially for more novice lifters).
Never heard of Wave Loading? No problem, sit back and enjoy, because in this article, we will explore what wave loading is, why it works, and how to effectively incorporate it into your training regimen.
What is Wave Loading?
Wave loading is a strength training methodology that involves alternating between lighter and heavier loads for different rep counts. Traditionally, waves consist of 2 or 3 loads/rep counts, sometimes called steps, but the beauty of wave loading lies in its flexibility to cater to your specific goals and training aspirations.
Why Does Wave Loading Work?
Do you realize how incredible your body is? It has remarkable potential and mechanisms to support and protect us, but some of these measures can limit our fitness progress. The mechanism that Wave Loading has an effect we want to take advantage of is called Neural inhibition, it is a protective mechanism enacted by our brain and nervous system, that ensures we don’t overexert and risk injury. However, wave loading acts kind of like a cheat code, effectively signaling our nervous system that it’s safe to exert more effort during the lighter loads. By alternating between heavier and lighter loads, we unlock our hidden potential, leading to greater muscle size and strength.
How to Use Wave Loading:
In its simplest form, wave loading involves alternating between heavier loads for fewer reps and lighter loads for more reps. Let’s delve into an example to grasp the concept more effectively.
Using the 6/2 method, start with set 1, aiming for 6 reps at around 80-85% of your predicted or known 6 rep max. In set 2, perform 2 reps at approximately 80% of your 2 rep max. Progress to the second wave by increasing the weights to around 90-95% of your 6 rep max and ~85% of your 2 rep max. Finally, complete a third wave with 95-105% of your 6 rep max and ~90% of your 2 rep max.
Remember, the objective isn’t to reach failure but to push the boundaries of how many reps you can complete with a given load. Throughout your training block, gradually increase the weights in both the 6 and 2 rep sets as you demonstrate capacity and progress. Regularly assess your fatigue levels and technique at each load, making incremental increases to ensure continuous adaptation.
It’s important to remember that we can’t rush strength progress and even adding a 0.5lbs plate per side would yield additional progress, if you can complete all prescribed sets and reps with no changes in form and movement speed, then you are ready to increase the weights next session. I’ll also sometimes use what I call the one more rep method, where I will do one more rep than prescribed with the target weight. if I get the extra rep 2 sessions in a row, then I know I’m ready to progress.
Final Thoughts:
Wave loading offers a refreshing stimulus to your strength training, but it may not be optimal for athletes already approaching their peak strength potential. If you have been training heavily for an extended period, the reduction in neural inhibition may lessen the benefits of wave loading. Nonetheless, for those seeking a new challenge and optimal gains, wave loading can be a game-changer.
If you require assistance setting up your training block or have further questions about this dynamic methodology, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Unleash your strength and embrace the power of wave loading today.
If your core rotators are strong, you will be able to move more efficiently and with greater control. Rotation is an important movement pattern that should be included in all fitness training programs.
When looking at fundamental movement patterns in our training, there is one that is often overlooked at all fitness levels. I’ve realized we all need to incorporate different planes of motion in our training to reach our fitness goals in the short term and when setting goals for sustainable health and wellness.
The fundamental human movement patterns are:
Push (Vertical and Horizontal)
Pull (Vertical and Horizontal)
All of these patterns are important to train in some capacity, but let’s focus on rotational movements today.
Why rotation?
A strong, functional core rotates effectively; it stabilizes the spine and aids in many movements. If your core rotators are strong you will:
Be less susceptible to injury
Appear to have a leaner/smaller waist
Have better core stability and strength
Have greater range of motion
Have improved rotational power and rotational strength
My top 3 rotational exercises
These are not necessarily the best rotational exercises for you and your specific goals, but they are three of my favourites and can help you achieve your goals.
This is a combination exercise that incorporates the rotational function of the core with an overhead press. It covers muscles from the shoulders through to the core.
Set-up – Start in a half kneeling position and grab the dumbbell with the same hand as the forward knee. Drive the elbow of the loaded hand down toward the hip and pull the hips back to load for rotation.
Execution – As you press the dumbbell towards the ceiling (it should travel straight up), you will “uncoil” your core by rotating your torso. When the dumbbell is overhead, your core should be coiled to the other side, so you’ve lengthened the side of the body with the dumbbell and shortened the side without the dumbbell. Return to the start position by bringing the dumbbell down and “re-coiling” your core.
2- Rotational Ball Slams
This one is great for letting some aggression out. The rotation works the core and the throw into the floor flexes your spirit and works your shoulders and lats.
Set-up – Grab a ball and start with your feet about hip width apart, facing forward.
Execution – Pull the ball up over your head and pivot your left foot as you throw the ball down toward the floor on your right side. Pick the ball up and pivot the right foot as you throw the ball down on your right side. Continue in this fashion until target reps are achieved.
3- Half Kneeling Kettlebell Windmills
This one is more of a side bend and less of a rotation, but it works the rotational muscles. It also requires some shoulder stabilization and control.
Set-up – Get into your half kneeling position with one knee down and the other knee bent to 90 degrees. Put the KB overhead in the same hand as the forward knee.
Execution – Keep your eyes on the Kettlebell as you push your hip away from the bell and bring your hand towards the floor. If you have the mobility, continue to side bend until your elbow or shoulder reaches the floor. Push the floor away as you return to your half kneeling position.
How many times have you set out (with the best intentions) to accomplish your health and fitness goals?
2 times?
5 times?
Well fear not, for I am about to help you with what I have noted to be one of the biggest downfalls of most well intentioned fitness seekers… Chasing Perfection.
The most common questions I get as a fitness professional are things like….
What foods should I eat to lose weight?
What exercises reduce fat from “insert trouble area here”?
How many calories/macros should I be eating?
The list goes on, but if you look at these questions they all have one thing in common…do you know what it is?
That’s right, they are seeking “the right” answer.
In fairness to all individuals, we are indoctrinated in schools to look for and provide the correct answer to problems, we are very rarely encouraged to think critically and look for the messy gray areas where there is some truth but no absolutes.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but fitness and nutrition are both full of messy gray areas. There are many ways to achieve the desired result and none of them are more right than any other.
When seeking answers in fitness and nutrition, we need to stop looking for the perfect solution and start taking the simplest actions that lead to changes. It can be a lot more powerful to focus on habits instead of setting lofty long-term goals because habits are something you have control over today. So instead of focusing on that finish line you may or may not get to, focus instead on the habits that you can create that will get you closer to that goal.
Instead of taking the elevator at work, start using the stairs…
Instead of no workouts per week, try 1-2 to start…
Instead of always eating out, start by preparing one meal at home each week…
Focus on consistency over perfection. People always underestimate the power of the simple habits done consistently and overestimate the efficacy of the big changes that don’t stick easily.
Just like the fable of David and Goliath, a small stone can have a massive impact, so use the small stones to slay your dragon (ie perfection) and begin making progress that gains traction and like a snowball rolling down a hill, just keeps building and building until you are an unstoppable force of health and wellness.
Recently I had a client tell me it took her 3 months to muster up enough courage to step into a gym for the first time. I know she is not alone! Choosing to join a gym can be a daunting task regardless of who you are. I’ve been in this industry for over 14 years as a personal trainer and coach and even I was full of stress and worries when I joined the team at Blended Athletics a few months ago. The truth is most of us get nervous having to enter new and unfamiliar environments.
The superficial reasons for this fear are different for everyone but they manifest themselves in questions like, will I be judged? Will I be the unfit person who just doesn’t belong? What if I don’t know the moves they use in classes? Am I going to feel like a failure and everyone will be looking at me? Despite the endless reasons I’ve heard there is one common denominator. Fear of the unknown! Even the thought of stepping outside the comfort of our current surroundings is enough to send many of us into a fear spiral, preventing us from taking action. I am here to let you know these are perfectly normal thoughts and fears to have. That being said I implore you to find the courage to take that first step. One of my favourite quotes is, “Change is inevitable, growth is optional.” Our lives are constantly going to be changing around us. It is up to us to find the opportunities for For those of you who are contemplating taking that first step into a new gym here are a few thoughts I will leave you with:
– Most people will be quite empathetic to new members since many of them would have gone through the same emotional rollercoaster when they started. You’ll be surprised how many people will go above and beyond to make you feel welcome. One of the great things about Blended Athletics is that we all cheer each other on, it’s just a part of the culture.
– We are all at different stages of our journey and while you may not be the fittest person in the room, it doesn’t matter! We are going to celebrate each step of the journey you are on and help you pursue excellence each and every workout. It’s not about being the best, it’s about being better than you were yesterday. Each step is a victory and you will be so glad when you look back in 3, 6 or even 12 months from now and see all the progress you’ve made.
– A great gym has a great team of coaches who will help you understand all the movements and how to modify them around your injuries or limitations. The coaches will never make you feel like a burden because it is their job to make sure you are safe and effective in pursuing your goals.
Personally I was blown away by the support and comfort I found at Blended Athletics. The fact is when you find an awesome gym like Blended, you get a lot more than just a place to workout, you get a community that’s invested in continuing to pursue excellence and shooting to get 1% better every day, whatever that means for you. Regardless where you are on your journey, the community will welcome you and help you take those first steps towards your best self.
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