Transform Your Life: The Journey from Process to Progress
I often get asked the popular open-ended question, “Why?” Well, here’s my why—
A few years back, I was told, “Consistency and determination will take you further in life than anything else—further than talent or money.” The more I’ve adopted this mindset and practiced it, the more opportunities I’ve discovered for healing, growth, new pathways, and even becoming a better version of myself. This progress has been more prevalent in my life than I could ever have imagined, especially at this stage of my life. It has surpassed what I was told to believe was possible.
Everyone loves to hear about progress. It’s always the highlight of every story—the accomplishment. But what about the process? Few people touch on that part, and even fewer delve into it deeply. The process entails lessons along the way, roadblocks and failures, sacrifices, and the emotional and mental growing pains that accompany physical healing and growth. It includes sudden doubts and questioning your capabilities, wondering if you’re going backward, and dealing with intrusive thoughts that sneak up on you, attempting to self-sabotage. You might think, “There’s no way anyone else has felt this level of pain, blocks, and failures. I should give up.” Here’s the truth—yes, we have. I have, they have, you have. We all have. And we still do. Everyone who embarks on becoming a better version of themselves feels this way. If you’re feeling that way, good! You’re on your way and closer than you think.
This gym and the blissfully brutal workout regimen that my coach, Mackenzie puts me through have become my place of peace—a sanctuary. It’s a break from the wear and tear of life outside, allowing me to connect with myself and the better self I am striving to become. Connecting with my mind and body through lifting weights has elevated my healing and growth, adopting the philosophical mindset of the “Eternal Student.” You really don’t know what you are capable of until you trust the process and let it guide you to where you want to go and who you want to become. It’s already in you; you just need to surround yourself with the right people to help you along the way.
My coach pushes me hard because I asked her to, and she wants me to reach my goals and then some. During my sets with her, the echoes of my former self, fears, and insecurities fade quickly as her voice reaches my subconscious mind, tapping into the better version of myself deep within. Her words—”One more set,” “Do it again,” “Stack your ribs!”—and the most powerful phrase, “I know you’re stronger than you think you are, so I’m pushing you harder,” help me get out of my own way. It is a true honor and privilege to have her as my coach. She pushes me to the point of growth, where I embrace my new “ugly workout face” with pride, even after crushing a heavy leg or lower body day. Looking at those stairs to the changing room, I wonder how I’ll make it up, but I do, slowly but surely.
I was told by others before that my goals were unattainable, that I needed to be more realistic. In a way, they were correct. I didn’t just achieve my goals; I exceeded them. My coach saw something in me that I couldn’t see, and all I had to do was trust and endure the process to reach progress.
This place and the people in it have reintroduced me to a new level of making the most out of my life. They have given me a reason to stay alive, to keep going and pushing. To wake up every morning and try, even after meeting failures or blocks, both inside and outside of the gym. To put in the work to achieve everything I want in life, going through the grit and gore to reach the gifts and glory life offers. Whether it’s a personal record, lasting 10 seconds longer during cardio, or seeing a young family member, who was once a baby, now lifting weights almost as heavy as a small dirt bike—it’s all part of the journey.
Why not start now? I guarantee you’re ready. Waiting for the elusive “perfect timing”? It doesn’t exist. If it did, I would have found it many years ago. You have now. The opportunity wouldn’t have presented itself if you weren’t ready. It may not be easy, but it’s definitely achievable. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, so now is the best time to start. Just say “yes” to yourself and your future self. It’s more than just being a member at the gym, lifting weights, or doing fitness classes. It’s about setting yourself up for success inside and outside of the gym. Just like how the weights don’t get lighter—you just become physically stronger—life doesn’t get easier; you become mentally and emotionally stronger and more capable.
I’ve carried the gains and progress I’ve made in the gym into my life outside the gym. When life gets heavy, my coach’s voice echoes in my head:
-“Neutral spine”
-“Shoulders back”
– “Stack your ribs”
-“Keep that head up, don’t lose focus”
-“Exhale on the push”
-“Keep going, you’re almost there” And the bonus: “You have one more in you. Push!”
To the owners of the gym—I have such deep gratitude for you both. Thank you for what you’ve done for me and for building this place. It’s a privilege to be welcomed in a space like this. I’m thankful that you continue to make me feel welcome.
To my coach—it’s an honor and a privilege to be coached by you. The gift you give me through your work is astounding, admirable, and inspirational. The process you guide me through has transformed me mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s a gift I will never take for granted. I always look forward to our sessions and the new levels of progress (and new ugly workout faces with Joe Pesci vibes, haha). It’s the face of trusting and going through the process—getting closer and closer to progress.
2021 was the most rewarding and exhausting year from the 35 so far of my life. It came in two’s. Buying/building a second home (cottage), starting a second business and of course the birth of our beautiful second daughter.
So how well did I handle a second home, second business and second child in one year all during a pandemic?….On the surface it probably looked like I was handling it really well. Even if you asked me how I was doing I would have honestly answered great! I didn’t feel any different. But just like the frog that can’t tell the water around him is getting hotter, I was blind to the ever increasing temperature of the environment around me and unable to truly see what was going on under it all.
I suppose it was inevitable that something had to break. Sure enough, as if coming out of nowhere three panic attacks hit me on three separate days rendering me useless for the better part of a day each time. Three strikes was enough for me to realize something was amiss and a change was needed. Enter Darryl Council. A former US Marine who now calls Nova Scotia home and is coach to many high achieving, type A personalities.
When I started working with Darryl there was only one thing I knew to expect. That I would be challenged. The rest of the details were unclear to me but trusting my coach I followed him down a path of discovery. And challenge me he did. Darryl challenged my daily routine, my habits and more importantly my purpose and priorities. He asked the tough questions and used my answers to craft weekly homework for me to complete. These tasks included technology free time, meditation, breathing techniques, fasting, cold showers, etc. All designed for a purpose as he calls it, to “Own The Day.”
Three months later I feel different, I am different. I’m more aware not only of what is around me but what is going on within me. One of the biggest transformations for me is the priority I now have around taking care of myself. This includes my physical, mental and emotional self. I come from a business background so I understand the importance of taking care of your assets. What I never stopped to consider before was what my most important asset is. It is me! Without taking care of that I have no energy or capacity for anything else. Thank you Darryl for your wisdom and for challenging me.
William Ernest Henley wrote this powerful message, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” This is only true if you share one fundamental belief. That you are your most important asset and that you are the one responsible for taking care of that asset.
I was recently asked three questions for a publication:
– How do I make workouts fun for me?
– For clients?
– And what is the most important thing for building healthy habits?
I can answer these three questions with one word….WHY!
One of the things I learned early on in my career was that there was no amount of external motivation I could give to someone to help them achieve their goals. Ultimately to help people create lasting success I realized I had to help them discover the fundamental purpose behind not only what they wanted but more importantly why they wanted it.
On the surface this idea can seem quite simple and yet it remains one of the best predictors of success. Almost everyone knows their goal and a lot of people know what they really want but from my experience almost no one knows why they want it.
The process to discover your why is hard, emotional and time consuming. That being said there is nothing more valuable in life than having this self awareness. It will make all future decisions seem that much easier.
When you discover your why and commit to live a life based on its purpose two things will happen. First, you will begin to enjoy the process. The journey will become something you look forward to and not merely a list of to do’s leading you to your goal. Of course impatience, setbacks and bad days will happen but they will be few and far between. The second thing you will notice is that decisions become very simple. Not easy but simple. The proverbial fork in the road becomes much easier to navigate when you have a clear picture of where you are going and why you are going there.
When you walk through the front door of Blended Athletics above your head in large block letters, spanning 30 feet reads our company why, “PURSUE EXCELLENCE!” For our team of 20 staff and over 700 active members this is more than a motivational reminder, it is a way of life! A commitment to be better today than you were yesterday. To continuously find ways to learn, grow and develop. One of our members summed it up best when I asked her what type of person shouldn’t come to Blended? Her response was, “If you don’t want to get better you shouldn’t come here!”
A lot of people ask me how we were able to create such a community of growth minded people. The truth is most people who come to us aren’t ready for such a change. They know they want to live an extraordinary life but they don’t yet know WHY! It is only through their own self discovery when they are able to define their why and truly begin the pursuit of excellence. I get to work with some of the most motivated people from our city and this understanding of why connects them, builds community and ultimately nurtures an environment conducive to growth.
To start this article I was asked about fun. Specifically how I make workouts fun. Webster dictionary defines fun as “what provides amusement or enjoyment”. Is it amusing to get out of a warm bed for a cold run? Probably not. Do most people get enjoyment in turning down a piece of cake or glass of wine? No one I know. Extra sets of tempo squats are never amusing or enjoyable. To be clear I am not saying knowing your why will always make the workout fun. What I am saying is that knowing your why will provide purpose and context to all of those things which will make the journey fun! If I could give anyone reading this any kind of parting advice it would be to surround yourself with like minded people (your tribe) and start the self discovery journey in search of your WHY!
“Having a baby is hard.” This is usually my response when people ask me what it is like having a newborn at home. “It is also one of the most beautiful and rewarding things that has happened to me and has brought a newfound perspective and appreciation to my life!”
My amazing wife and I prepared as best as we could but everyone who told us “You’ll never really be ready!” were very right. Anyone reading this who have kids of their own can surely relate. That being said one important thing my wife and I had before Tori was born was a very clear set of principles we wanted to live by and raise Tori with. These principles in order are health, family and pursuing something you love as a career.
Being our top priority it was paramount that both my wife and I maintained a lifestyle focused on health. For my wife this meant making sure she got to Blended for her fitness on a regular basis. I have to admit since I work at the gym it has made this easier than most other families. I try to arrange my schedule so I can help with Tori while Giselle works out. However, this doesn’t always work out as seamlessly as we would like. Sometimes I get hung up in a late meeting, or need to deal with an issue unexpectedly. Some days we are both coming in without sleep needing some motivation to workout and other days we are dealing with another aspect of parenthood we hadn’t planned for. I can’t say enough about how the entire community at Blended as accepted Tori into the Blended family. Every time Tori and Giselle walk in they feel the support of every single person in the gym. Former strangers offering to hold Tori, offering advice, encouragement and inspiring motivation has made becoming a parent that much easier. I will be forever grateful to the Blended community for how they’ve treated our young family.
After reflecting on my own experience I realized my situation isn’t all that unique. Over the years at Blended I have been witness to community members fighting cancer, dealing with death, struggling with mental health demons and suffering career and financial setbacks. It is said that a rising tide raises all boats. Blended’s community is that tide! Blended is more than a gym. It is a group of amazing people from all walks of life who share one thing in common….the desire to pursue excellence. Creating a community of these individuals is truly extraordinary. There is nothing more powerful than a group of passionate people with a shared belief in helping each other succeed. If you open yourself up to it and show your vulnerability there is nothing this community can’t help you with.
Last week Tori Mae Davis celebrated her 9 month birthday. As I watch her grow up having Blended as her second home I am excited about the strong woman she will become knowing this tide is behind her raising her up.
-Jason Davis
Blended Athletics
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