Book a 30 min

InBody Scan today!


What is an InBody Scan?

The InBody scan is a body composition analysis. It measures your body and provides a detailed, yet easy to understand report.

On your results sheet, you will see metrics including weight, total skeletal muscle mass, total body fat, total body water and a full segmental muscle and fat analysis.

By monitoring these metrics over time, we can pin point the changes needed in your diet and exercise to achieve your goals.



In order to get the best results there are a few things we need from you to ensure accuracy

  • No food or drink 3 hours before the scan

  • No training before the scan

  • For people with a menstrual cycle it’s best to scan when you are not on a menstrual period. This way we will get the most accurate results

To inquire or book a time please click the button at the top to request a booking.

We are located at 580 Wright Ave, Dartmouth Nova Scotia.

Do you have questions? Call us at 902-405-3580


The Modern Assessment of Health.

When you’re thinking of losing weight or simply want to see how healthy you are, you probably do one of two things: step on a scale or calculate your BMI. But the truth is, these methods don’t tell you anything about how healthy you are– all weight and BMI does is compare how heavy you are to a standard that doesn’t fit your individual goals.

When you’re trying to get healthier, you’re most likely going to lose fat and (hopefully) gain muscle. But BMI and weight don’t differentiate between muscle and fat. So how can you? Through body composition analysis.

Body composition analysis is a method of describing what the body is made of, differentiating between fat, protein, minerals, and body water to give you a snapshot of your health. InBody is in the business of body composition analysis, and we’re here to teach you the importance of it today’s day and age to help you reach your health goals from the inside out.
